
Monday, August 27, 2018



                                                             ROOM 6 CLAYS WORK.
This is my clay work, Room 6 have been working on our clay work for about 3 or 4 weeks, we had to dig down onto our clay to make a hole because we are going to be hanging it up next we had to do a backround then add a few designs around it next we had to start making our animal, I did a unicorn, then we  had to do a tape method and tap water around it but just a bit we have been working with Misses Myers shes mostly our art teacher, I think my unicorn looks pretty good!

Question: Comment what you think. 


  1. I agree Punawai, your unicorn looks pretty good. I like the detail you have added to the feet to show its hoofs. What part did you find the most challenging? Just a heads up, I'm looking at your blog, but you have many double up posts and some with nothing on them. I will be in your class again next Monday, so I can help you fix this if you're not sure how to. ~Mrs Davan~

  2. Hey PUna I like your clay art what is it supposed to be?
