How to live a healthy life.
To live a healthy life my first suggestion is to quit smoking, If you’re a smoker then that's a big problem here's all of the stuff that smoking can do to yourself and your body.
You're lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma is just start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. It probably seems that smoking makes yourself feel much better but all of the stuff here that i'm saying is serious and that you need to stop.
Now let's move onto the healthy eating, for a start off try eating vegetables and fruits a day like broccoli or carrots or apples. Try to base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates, and try eating less sugar because Eating too much sugar has been linked to an increased risk of conditions including diabetes and heart disease.
How to be fit and healthy! Exercise daily for at least an hour.
Eat the right foods and portion each meal, No matter how bad you're stomach is telling you to go for candy over healthy food, try to stay away from sweets.
So there you go that is all of the information for How to have a healthy life! By Puna-wai.